Using Telemetry to improve testing - Utah Microservices Meetup March 2023

Industrial pipes

It’s time again for the Utah Microservices Meetup!

Eventide’s Telemetry library enables you to separate what happened from what you want to do about it. This has an obvious use as a graceful way to log system behavior.

But the uses of it go beyond that. Can we turn the data we collect with Telemetry to aid in our testing?

We sure can, and in fact, that’s how the Messaging::Write substitute works.

So the plan is to develop something like Messaging::Write, complete with a substitute, and show how we can leverage Telemetry to give us the visibility we need to successfully test that the code is doing what we think it does.

And as part of it, we’ll go through how Messaging::Write and its substitute work, gaining a better understanding of the methods that the substitute provides when writing tests.

(Photo by Ricardo Gomez Angel on Unsplash)

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