Alignment, autonomy, and soccer

Soccer season ended a month ago or so ⚽️. I was assistant coach for my daughter’s team. I’d joke that I was assistant to the coach.

Now, soccer fields are big. So if you’re on one sideline trying to tell your players on the other side to do something, you’ll be wishing you had trained for that moment by being lead singer in a screamo band.

I wanted to go to that other sideline so that each side could have coaching coverage. There was a problem though.

The team’s coach was great, but her style differed from the style of the one other coach I had assisted before. It wasn’t my job to come in and tell her she was doing things wrong. She was the head coach, and I was the assistant. My job was to help her realize the plans she had.

So until I learned her plans and system well enough, I wasn’t ready to go to the other side of the field and start calling things out to the players. I would have confused them at best.

Until I was aligned, I wasn’t ready to act autonomously.

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