Cross-functional packing

The principles of Flow play out in the weirdest places.

I took a trip with my family—4 kiddos, my wife, and me. 6 people, each needing clothes for the trip and things like toothbrushes. Also, the hotel we stayed at didn’t have single rooms large enough for us all, so we were split between 2 rooms.

In days of yore, we would have, say, packed all the toothbrushes together. That means to get anyone ready for bed, we would have been going back and forth between rooms, carting brush and paste.

As it turns out, each kid took their own kit. So when we hit the hotel, the kiddos could autonomously take care of their oral hygiene, and we all got to bed sooner.

Which was great because we started the road trip about 10 hours later than expected and arrived at midnight rather than midday.

Wouldn’t it be great to ship that way too?

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